Saturday 22 August 2009

FALINTIL DAY 20 August 2009 / Loron FALINTIL dia 20 Agusto 2009


Development of East Timor Defense Force (FALINTIL-FDTL) slowly but continuously.
The East Timor Defence force celebrates its 34 anniversary this year on 20 August 2009.

It is comprised of FALINTIL guerrillas and new recruits. It was transformed from guerrila force to a regular defence force on 1 February 2001 by the United Nations (UNTAET), after a study by the King's College London.

FALINTIL was established on 20 August 1975 as the armed wing of FRETILIN to fight a civil war against the UDT party. It then resisted the Indonesian army ABRI during 24 years in the bush.

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